DG Summer Symposium May 17: From Debate to Harvard
17 May 2023
08:00 pm - 09:00 pm
For all DebateGo BP Debaters and those struggling to improve after years of experience:
Date: Wednesday, May 17th
Time: 8 p.m. ET
Speaker: Hamza, Harvard University, Master in Public Policy, Gleitsman Leadership Fellow for Social Change
- Ranked Top 5 Speakers at the World Debating Championships 2021
- Best Speaker at European Debating Championships 2020, Oxford IV 2020, and Yale IV 2021
Seminar Outline:
- My journey to Harvard on a full scholarship
- The secret to becoming the best speaker
- Maximizing real-life applications of debate skills
- Minimizing drawbacks caused by competitive debating
- Achieving balance between the above
Book Now: https://www.debatego.com/course/details/452